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  • Alexandra Charland

Mentor Review with Ruhan and Tina

For our second round of mentor reviews, we talked with our sponsor Ruhan and an elementary school teacher named Tina.


As we have mostly figured out how to build our circuits and pop-ups, we were curious about any tips Ruhan may have had towards constructing a full book. She then showed us how she would put together a book, which involved folding the corners of a piece of paper about 10mm in length inwards and gluing the individual pages together on those folds, that way we can construct the book page by page. We plan to use this technique to construct our final book.


As I detailed in my Week 10 Progress, Tina is an elementary school teacher who teaches children within our target audience, fourth grade ages 9-10. She looked at our popups and mentioned that our project was relevant for our age group in terms of their exposure to cyberbullying on social media as well as giving them the opportunity to learn about circuit technology. Knowing this gives us confidence in the direction of our project as it could be something both children and parents can enjoy and benefit from in terms of learning.

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