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  • Alexandra Charland

Future Visioning

Autobiography Activity

When I try to think about myself in 10 years, I'm not exactly sure what I'll be doing. When thinking about the title of my autobiography, not knowing what to make of myself 10 years into the future, it crossed my mind that certainly, if someone was writing an autobiography of me 10 years from now, I must be alive at that time and have contributed something somewhat significant to society. So the titles that I came up with that I could say for sure about myself 10 years from now, and not taking myself too seriously, were:

And well, "That was easy" was something that had more to do with my ideals that what might have been considered realistic.

As for the contents, and since I was writing a hypothetical autobiography of myself, I thought it would be fitting to make up a life accomplishment that I thought would be cool to have accomplished and could hypothetically lead to me being famous and having a good amount of money 10 years from now:

Life As an Artist Activity

What do I want personally, professionally, and creatively in the next five years? I think about these desires of mine and I find that my dreams somewhat reflect my current studies. For reference, I am pursuing degrees in Computer Science and Creative Technology and Design, as well as a minor in Communication.


Be less anxious about things and just try stuff without worrying too much about consequences or negative outcomes. Cook better and quicker so that the food I make at home is tasty and I don't need to go out to restaurants as often.


Have a well-paying job. Get involved in a project to create a strong AI that can understand and experience human emotion with therapeutic, medical diagnostic, and assistive capabilities


Understand how the human brain works - how it makes connections and produces thoughts from those connections. Learn more about virtual reality, and create an AI that can interact naturally with a person in the virtual reality world.

Three Values

Caring - I should remember to view things from other people's perspectives and not just mine.

People should enjoy/benefit from it - Anything I do or make should have value in the community, whether it's something people can use or something they can enjoy.

Not monotonous - I don't want to be locked into a certain way of doing things - I want things to be adaptable.

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